About Library and Information Centre (LIC)

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About Library and Information Centre (LIC)

The Library and Information Centre is the lung of every educational institute, which breathes knowledge and information into the minds of the students. The L&IC is an invaluable resource for students, researchers and faculties of engineering and applied sciences. All students, faculty members and employees of the institute are entitled to make use of the Library facilities on taking library membership.

Working in partnership with faculty, staff and students, library provides convenient access to quality information resources, and an environment that encourages study and personal growth. Library also provides information services which are customized to individual needs and which recognize their information requirements.

The Library, besides having a huge collection of books on engineering, applied science and humanities offers library services through its various divisions. In addition, the library boasts of more than 29999 books and 60 national and 47 international journals in print form. The library also has varied collection of non-book materials in the form of CD-ROMs. Apart from the above-mentioned collection the library has a good collection on competitive exams, which forms a base for the students aspiring for examinations such as GATE, GRE, GMAT, CAT, SAT etc. The library has set up contacts with libraries for getting articles, copies or books which are not available in our library. The library offers a conducive environment to users. The bibliographic details of library documents can be accessed through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) from computer available in the library. The primary mission of the library and information centre (LIC) is to support the educational and research programmes of the institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information. In accordance with the objectives of the institute, the library aims to develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for the readers.


The mission of the SJCEM Library and Information Centre (LIC) is to provide college students with the information they need  to achieve their highest academic potential and help them acquire research skills necessary for lifelong learning. To support  teaching faculty & administrative staff and to participate in cooperative information exchange within the wider library /  educational community.


Information is an essential input to national development. Our modern library has great responsibility in harnessing and  utilization of information. Library strives for high quality of services which emphasis the actual delivery of information rather  than actual delivery of documents for specific needs of the users.


The SJCEM’ Library and Information Centre (LIC) was established on 25 July 2008 with the inception of the College with  collection of 5052 books. The Library caters to all the  students and faculty of college to pursue their study and research.


The main objective of the library is to support the educational and research programs of the college by providing access to  information consistent with the present and anticipated education and research function of the college.

Library Hours

  • Monday to Saturday : 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM
  • Issue/Return of books : 8:30 AM TO 5:30 PM
  • Reference books and latest journals/magazines issued for overnight, one hour before closing  of the library on all days.

Library Sections

  • Property Section: Users are supposed to keep their belongings like sack, bag, helmet, etc. before entering the library.

  • Reading Hall: The facility of Library Attendance System (E-Gate Entry System) is provided in the Reading Hall. It is having the excellent  infrastructure, Wi-Fi access, ample number of charging ports. At a time 200 students can seat here.

  • Stack Area: Excellent collection of books are available in this section. Reference and Textbooks are arranged according to the Dewey  Decimal Classification (DDC) For locating  the required book, the display of Book Location Charts is helpful.

  • Periodical Section: All the latest periodicals are displayed here. Users will find back issues of periodicals in the same place.

  • Group Study Area: In this section students can have discussion among themselves or with teachers regarding their curricular activities.

  • Reference Section: The Reference Section is located on the last left side of the stack area. This section includes all reference books related  to the engineering and diploma courses. Books kept in this section are to be referred in the section itself only.

  • Compactor Storage : Our library Compactor Storage Systems are used for all bound volumes  and student project books.

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