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Aldel Education Trust is a Christian Religious Minority Trust established in the year 2007. Its Founder-Chairman is Mr. Albert W. D’Souza.
Mr. Albert W. D’Souza is a successful entrepreneur in the Printing Industry and an Executive Council Member of several professional technical institutions. It was the vision of the Founder-Chairman that enabled him to foresee the challenges that lay ahead in the all-round development of our youth. In a progressive country like India, Science and Technology are the forerunners of any area of development. Newer processes and methodologies are being employed and their use calls for additional trained and skilled manpower. In the area of medicine too, the identification of a range of diseases has necessitated the discovery of new medicines and remedial measures. To realize the objective of a developed India on par with the best, we need to be prepared with efficient and skilled personnel for the future. It was the dream of Albert W. D’Souza to develop the youth of our society by providing them specialized professional education.
With his intense foresight in the field of education the Founder-Chairman has created excellent opportunities for the students enabling them to seek promising careers. He has been instrumental in the inception, growth and development of several professional technical institutions in India. He has always aspired to provide excellent higher and technical education to budding young students and his keen desire to contribute personally to this cause resulted in the initiation of ALDEL EDUCATION TRUST.
Aldel Education Trust was registered on October 26, 2007 under the Mumbai Public Trusts Act, 1950 – Regn. No. E-24542 (Mumbai).
Aldel Education Trust was granted Christian Religious Minority Status by the Maharashtra State Minority Dev. Dept., Govt. of Maharashtra vide Order Dtd. July 25, 2008 (Ref.: 2008/310/164/2008/1).
The Trust Office is located at I. C. Colony, Borivali.
Presently the Trust has the following Institutions under its umbrella:
- St. John College of Engineering and Management (SJCEM)
- Diploma in Engineering (Civil , Computer , Mechanical)
- Engineering Degree (Computer Comps, Information Technology, AI/ML, Data Science,Electronics & CS,Mechanical, Civil
- St. John Institute of Pharmacy & Research (SJIPR)
- D. Pharm.
- B. Pharm.
- M. Pharm
- St. John College of Humanities and Sciences (SJCHS)
- B.A.
- B.A.F.
- B.B.I.
- B. Com.
- B.F.M.
- B.M.S.
- B.Sc.
- B.Sc.(CS)
- B.Sc.(HS)
- B.Sc.(IT)
- B.M.M.(Proposed)
- St. John Junior College (SJJC)
- St. John International School (SJIS)
- Aldel High School