Library Membership

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Library Membership

All students, faculty members, and employees of the institute can register for library membership. To do so, they need to fill out a membership form, which is available at the ‘Circulation Counter’ in the library.

Their entitlement to borrow books is as follows:

Sr. No.
Number of Books
Loan Period
One Semester
Visiting Faculty
One Month
Technical & Supporting Staff
One Month
Administrative Staff
One Month
MMS Students
7 Days
Students FE & SE
15 Days
Students TE & BE
15 Days

Membership Renewal

  • Checking out Library Books: Registered Library members are allowed to check out Library books as per their entitlement mentioned above. Reference Books and some CD are not issued out. Textbooks (reference) are issued for overnight. Bound volumes of journals are not issued out.
  • Renewals: Books issued to you can be renewed unless they are reserved by someone else. You need to bring the books to the Library for getting them re-issued after  15 days at a one time.
  •  Return of Books: Books checked out from the Library should be returned at the circulation desk, during its working hours, i.e. 8.30 AM to 5.30 PM on any working day. Books  issued through the Reference Section should be returned in the circulation Section only.
  • Reserving the Books: A library user can reserve a book currently out on loan by requesting staff at the Circulation Counter. Notifications for availability of reserved books are  placed on the Library notice  board.
  • Loss of Patron Card: Loss or mutilation of the library cards should be reported to the librarian immediately. A new library card will be issued at the issue counter only on the  payment of Rs. 50/-. 
  • Loss of Books: The borrower is required either to replace the books with a recent edition, if available or pay its double cost.
  • Overdue Charges: Overdue charges at the rates mentioned below are charged for late return of the books : Rs. 02.00 per day for the books issued from General Section     up- to Five working days thereafter 20.00 per day per volume. Rs. 1.00 per hour for the books issued from textbook Section.
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